Tuesday 21 July 2015

About Prayas (Energy Group) - India - latest bulletin

Media Articles


Demanding Electricity Service: A Guide for the Community Activist

This guide, written in simple language, attempts to de-mystify the electricity sector by introducing its key actors, policies and programs with specific focus on avenues for intervention. It suggests ideas to the activist to engage with the sector to improve electricity service to the community, primarily the rural and poor households.  Read More


How Much Energy Do We Need:Towards End-Use Based Estimation For Decent Living

How much energy we need for ensuring a decent standard of living for everyone is one of the basic questions at the heart of energy planning, yet it is one that is rarely addressed in any particularly meaningful manner. This paper reviews various methods of energy demand estimations, looking particularly at some bottom up, disaggregated approaches, and discusses their implications.   Read More

 A ‘Dashboard’ for the Indian Energy Sector

Given the close relationship of the energy sector to human development and the environment, it is important to objectively and comprehensively assess a country's energy sector periodically. To assist in this, we developed a 'dashboard' for the energy sector that is comprehensive and multi-dimensional, and can be easily computed. Read More


Review of Maharashtra Power Sector Policy and Regulation: Lessons, Challenges and Opportunities

The Gokhale Institute Of Politics & Economics (GIPE), published a volume of essays on various aspects of Maharashtra's economy in April 2015 to commemorate S G Barve Centenary year.
Prayas (Energy Group) contributed a chapter to this volume titled 'Review of Maharashtra Power Sector Policy and Regulation: Lessons, Challenges and Opportunities'. Read More


Comments and feedback provided by Prayas


Girish Sant Memorial Young Researcher Fellowship 2015

We are pleased to announce that Anjali Sharma has been chosen as the Girish Sant Memorial Fellow for 2015-16.
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We look forward to your feedback and comments
Thank You,
Prayas (Energy Group)
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