Friday 17 July 2015

European Federation of Public Service Unions - update on Public Services Issues


Human Right to Water: EP takes key step towards EU recognition
(Press Release – 29 June 2015) The demands of the first ever successful European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) Right2Water received overwhelming support from Members of European Parliament, who voted on an own-initiative report in the Environment Committee. This report demands the European (...)


(15 July 2015) EPSU affiliate Adedy is organising a general strike against the agreement reached between the Eurogroup and the Greek government 15 July. Adedy opposes the continued austerity imposed on Greece. The public service federation rejects the privatisation of public services and (...)
(13 July 2015) The longest Eurogroup summit has ended with a deal. If the Greek Parliament approves it, talks can start on a third financial assistance package. Several other national parliaments need to accept it as well. There is a list of measures for immediate approval and implementation. (...)
Maternity protection is not “red tape”! (7 July 2015) The Commissioner for Equality Vera Jourova announced on 1 July to withdraw the maternity leave proposal on the negotiation table since October 2008 increasing compulsory maternity leave to 18 weeks. Now, Mrs. Jourova you announce that you will (...)
European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) - European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT) Press Release (7 July 2015) EPSU and EFFAT urge the European Parliament to vote in favour of compulsory public disclosure of country by country reporting (CBCR) for (...)

(7 July 2015) In this July Plenary the European Parliament will discuss and vote on the Shareholders’ Rights Directive. EPSU wrote to the Members of the European Parliament to recommend that they support the text of the Report as voted by the Legal Affairs Committee. The Report would contribute (...)
(6 July 2015) EPSU, the European Federation of Public Service Unions, together with the European Trade Union Committee of Education (ETUCE) sent a letter to all Members of the European Parliament, regarding the upcoming vote on 8 July on TTIP report. In the letter EPSU/ETUCE call for: an (...)
Brussels, 1 July 2015 EPSU contributed to a conference held on 1 July 2015 in Brussels and dealing with various aspects of cross-border demand and provision of health care, held by PublicPolicyExchange. In the programme of the event the organiser writes: "According to the World Health (...)

General secetary
(16 July 2015) European trade unions are calling for an end to austerity in Greece. Together with many other European trade union colleagues I signed an open letter from the ETUC. We have asked the heads of governments to come forward with a deal that respects the wish of the Greek people to end austerity. We also call for debt relief. It is increasingly clear that without such relief prospects for economic growth are limited. And combined with further cuts in public spending in public services more Greek people are being thrown into poverty. Many cannot afford medicine and young people face a bleak future read more.