Tuesday 8 September 2015

China-Australia Free Trade Agreement - not in the national interest

http://www.asu.asn.au/news/categories/international/150908-china-australia-free-trade-agreement-not-in-national-interest  PSI Affiliate the Australian Services Union along with the ACTU and other unions are opposing a number of aspects of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA). The Agreement is yet to be passed by the Australian Parliament, although it has already been signed by the Federal Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew Robb. In addition to unions, other community based organisations, fair trade groups and other sections of civil society have expressed strong opposition to the ChAFTA for various reasons.
150715-chafta-action-slider350pxwThe ASU has lodged a submission with the Senate Inquiry examining the ChAFTA. We make it clear in our submission that the ASU does not oppose trade agreements with China or any other country but we argue that in its current form, the ChAFTA is not in the national interest.
Email your MP about the ChAFTA
Lack of transparency during negotiations
The trade agreement process arriving at the ChAFTA was secret and undemocratic. Such agreements are legally binding on governments and can have far reaching impacts, yet the Federal Government did not allow for effective Parliamentary debate of the contents prior to the agreement being signed.
Prior to the signing of the agreement, community organisations, unions and other sections of civil society had to scramble around trying to obtain information about the contents from media leaks and scant briefings by Government departments. Whilst the agreement process locked out civil society, it will give preferential treatment to global corporations and foreign companies (through ISDS provisions).
After the agreement was signed, unions and community organisations have now been able to assess more definitely what impact it would have on workers, their families, their communities, services and the environment. 
Read the full article at http://www.asu.asn.au/news/categories/international/150908-china-australia-free-trade-agreement-not-in-national-interest