Wednesday 2 September 2015

General strike in India

On 2nd September, trade unions in India will be holding a general strike to protest against the anti-worker economic policies of the government.
Ten trade unions will join the strike. They are concerned at the government's anti-worker, anti-people and pro-corporate actions. The strike is expected to be the biggest strike ever held in the country.
The unions have drawn up a list of demands, which include:
  • An end to precarious employment
  • New minimum wage
  • Universal social security cover for all workers
  • An end to privatisation of public sector undertakings
  • Withdrawl of new pension scheme
  • Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days; immediate ratification of ILO core conventions 87 and 98
The unions have been in discussion with the government since July, but have not reached an agreement. They have demanded the government to stop privatisation and foreign investment in railways, insurance and defence. They have insisted that the government should not include business representatives in the discussions.
The unions' wage proposals for unskilled workers are from 7,100 to 10,000 Rs per month and for skilled workers from 14,200 to 20,000 Rs per month. They have demanded a minimum wage of Rs 15,000 per month.