Tuesday 6 October 2015

European Federation of Public Service Unions- latest advice

ETUC Congress adopts emergency resolution on TiSA

(2 October 2015) On 1 October the ETUC Congress adopted with unanimity an emergency resolution on the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA). Presenting the resolution Tanja Buzek DGB/EPSU explained how TiSA will restrict the ability of public authorites to regulate in areas covered by the (...)


(5 October 2015) The ETUC Congress gave firm backing to EPSU’s demand that the details of all public contracts should be made public to allow for proper scrutiny. Public Procurement represents some 18 % of EU GDP and it is important that this money is well spent to provide quality goods and (...)

(2 October 2015) European Works Council’s Representatives from Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Spain met for the 5th time on 24 September to further discuss the transposition of the Gdf-Suez European Group Agreement on (...)

Press Release –Paris 1 October 2015 -Yesterday at the ETUC Congress, Europe’s trade union leaders took a clear stance on corporate taxation in the EU. Trade unions reaffirmed the need to stop the downward trend of progressive taxation on corporate profits and the upward trend of regressive tax (...)

(29 September 2015) The Special Committee on tax rulings and other similar measures (TAXE) met on 22nd September 2015 and had a first exchange of views with Pierre Gramenga, the Finance Minister of Luxembourg, on behalf of the Council, as LU holds the rotating presidency of the EU, and then (...)

Ahead of the upcoming COP21, EPSU successfully agreed a joint position with the social partners – IndustriAll (for the Unions) and Eurelectric (representing employers) – which committed to and further stressed the need for a Just Transition. The statement – which was announced at the official (...)

(Press Release – 22 September 2015) Today, the French, Italian, German and Spanish Finance ministers will be grilled by the European Parliament’s Special Committee on Tax Rulings (TAXE) on growing evidence of widespread tax avoidance by major multinational corporations. The Committee is pushing (...)

(18 September 2015) Please find below the latest update from EPSU that focuses on trade and public services. This edition focuses on developments regarding CETA, TTIP and TiSA. Also below is an updated EPSU briefing countering the assurances given regarding the protection of public services. (...)

(18 September 2015) EPSU joined over 250 union leaders from across the world in demanding a just transition at the recent Trade Union Climate Submit in Paris. These calls were echoed by a broad alliance consisting of leading UN climate experts, environmental groups and most prominently the (...)

EU Response to the Refugee Crisis Deeply Disappointing – 15 September 2015 - Public Services International, a global trade union federation representing 20 million public service workers across the globe, along with its sister federation, the European Federation of Public Service Unions, (...)

(16 September 2015) Thousands of Finnish workers are set to join a major demonstration this Friday (18 September) in protest at government plans to cut holiday entitlement, sick leave and overtime pay. All three Finnish trade union confederations are mobilising for the action. Unions are not (...)

EPSU/PSI statement to leaders of the EU and Western Balkans on the refugee crisis. (Brussels, 11 September 2015) At the occasion of the Extraordinary EU Justice and Interior affairs Council on 14 September, we, the European Public Service Unions, representing 8 million public service workers (...)

(10 September 2015) EPSU affiliates in Lithuania will be joining other trade unions today in a major protest against proposed changes to the labour code. Under the banner "No to slavery at work", trade unions will be raising their voices against radical reforms that will undermine many basic (...)

General secetary
(5 October 2015) On Monday 21 September I joined many trade unionists and young members from our German affiliate ver.di in Leipzig in a protest against a demonstration by the anti-Islamic Legida group. Legida is the local variant of the Pegida group that is spreading Islamaphobic propaganda across Germany. They promote their agenda of discrimination and hatred against other people with refugees now their main target read more