Tuesday 6 October 2015

The devil is in the detail of secret TPP agreement - ACTU

The secret Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal – in negotiations for five years – has been signed without the Australian public being privy to details which have ramifications for our sovereignty, intellectual property rights and jobs.
Unions are concerned that many harmful elements still exist in the deal.
Australian Unions support trade deals with outcomes that are balanced, support jobs, protect the rights of working people and promote a healthy environment – there’s a great probability that TPP deal does not achieve this.
In the five years that the TPP agreement has been debated the public has been shut out while some corporations have been allowed to all-but write chapters to suit their interests.
There has been no genuine and transparent mandate that puts people front and centre – not big corporations – and this gives rise to deep concerns about the road down which this deal would take us.
Key concerns with the TPP include:
·         TPP leaks revealed that some countries WERE trying to reject protections of workers’ rights.
·         Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions will allow corporations to sue the Australian Government for making laws or policies that are good for Australian people but may lower their profits.
·         Examples of ISDS provisions being used to undermine government policy include tobacco company Phillip Morris suing the Australian Government for introducing plain cigarette packaging and multi-national corporation Veolia (that operates in Australia) suing the Egyptian Government for increasing the minimum wage.
·         Trade Minister Andrew Robb says Australia has not agreed to an immediate extension of monopolies on costly life-saving medicines beyond the current Australian standard of five years. But the US is claiming that five years is a minimum standard and there is a “voluntary” agreement for stronger patent rights for pharmaceutical companies on medicines.
Quotes attributable to ACTU President Ged Kearney:
“This deal has been signed in secret, without public discussion or debate and you have to wonder, if it’s such a good deal why are the details still hidden?”
“For example we don’t know what the deal says about overseas workers and labour movement which would impact jobs and potentially drive down wages and conditions, similar to The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement.”
“What we do know is that the US is protecting its interests and the concern is that the impact of this will be negative for Australian workers and communities.”
“TPP talks were held in secret without unions, business, church, environmental or community groups being involved – this is great for big multinational companies but terrible for ordinary people and the role of governments.”

“We are deeply worried that many of the elements revealed in the leaked copies, such as ISDS, are still there in the text making corporate profits more important than protections for worker’s rights, the environment, public health and quality public services.”