Monday 23 November 2015

Statement in Condemnation of the South Korean Government’s Raids on Union Offices and Expansion of State Repression

Police carry out blitz raids on KCTU, KPTU and other union offices. - 

 " In the early morning of 21 November, the South Korean police began surprise search and seizure procedures on the offices of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), the Korean Public Services and Transport Workers’ Union (KPTU) and other main KCTU affiliates. The raids, which follow on an earlier raid of the KPTU office on 6 November, were extensive and all encompassing. Police seized not only all documents and materials related to the People’s Mass Mobilisation held on 14 November, but also documents related to the KPTU-TruckSol’s Safe Rates Rally held separately on the same day. They also took files related to a 16 April Sewol memorial event and May Day and other KCTU rallies. The scope of search and seizure makes it clear that the government is seeking to crackdown not only the 14 November People’s Mass Mobilisation, but on the entire movement for workers’ rights and a just and safe society.  

We are both outraged and horrified by this extreme repression of the labour movement and democracy in general. Since the end of military dictatorship the South Korea government has not until now ventured such an all-encompassing attack on the KCTU and its affiliates in response to legitimate protests. It appears as if the government feels it must turn to violence given the widespread public opposition to its policies. This Park Geun-hye’s direct and violent suppression demonstrates that the democracy that Korean workers’ and common people have fought for over the course of several decades is being turned back to the age of military dictatorship.

The farmer Nam-gi Baek, who collapsed after being hit head-on by a water cannon on 14 November, now lies in a state of near-death. The government should be investigating and seeking to correct the brutal and illegal actions that have snatched Baek from his family. Instead, however, it is expanding its violence and repression to target the entire labour movement. Where is the sense in this? It seems as if the repetition of violence is the Park government’s only law and principle.

The extreme repression we experienced today has made us gravely aware that our struggle to defend workers’ fundamental rights is now a struggle to defend democracy itself. The history that the Park Geun-hye government now seeks to erase through its unilateral revision of text books is the people’s history of overcoming dictatorship and advancing democracy through struggle. Now, we workers will write that history once more. Together with the KCTU, the whole working class and the common people of Korea we will fight back against dictatorship for the restoration of democracy.  "  

KCTU-Korean Public Service and Transport Workers’ Union

Advice from Wol -san - International Dept Kptu