Friday 11 December 2015

COP 21 - Negotiations are in their final stretch, a 29-page document

Negotiations are in their final stretch, a 29-page document ( has been submitted, yet there remain many areas undecided:

• whether to target a 1.5° or 2° Celsius limit• the reference to human rights - whether climate policies will be enacted within the human rights framework, or not
• financing, especially for the developing countries which have not contributed much to greenhouse gas emissions, yet will suffer the most from extreme weather events (also known as common but differentiated responsibilities or CBRD)
• whether the outcome document is to be a binding treaty with sanctions and penalties
• whether there will be periodic reviews of performance and targets

• a just transition for the workforce, and the creation of decent work and quality jobs – as well as human rights, appears not to be in the final text other than a non-binding preamble
Most analysts indicate, as predicted, that the final document will not be sufficiently ambitious, and will not keep within the 2° warming target.
There are increasing calls for mobilization in Paris on 12 December, the day after the end of the COP 21. Given the national state of emergency, it is likely that law enforcement will crack down heavily. Labour and allies held a short demonstration in the official COP21 site yesterday.
Links to different websites and articles
• Call for action on 12 December: &
• Human rights and climate change:
• Petition to political leaders in Paris:
• Analysis of different political approaches to climate:
• Oil workers and climate change in Canada:
• Corporate lobbyists and climate:
• Shocking prediction of climate change threat to humanity:

From PSI face book page