Friday 11 December 2015

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy - bulletin 40 - December 11th - from COP 21

Bulletin 40, December 11, 2015 

Video: Naomi Klein, Jeremy Corbyn and TUED at the
Paris Climate Talks

December 11, 2015
The Paris climate summit (Cop 21) is nearly over, and the deal that's presently on the table falls short in terms of commitments on emissions, financing, human rights, and just transition.  The core concerns of unions and social movements remain in the preamble to the Paris Agreement and not the operative articles of the text.

On December 7th, these shortcomings were acknowledged by a capacity crowd of 700 people from the trade unions and their allies at a meeting organized by Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung–New York Office, Global Climate Jobs and the Global Labour Institute Network.

The audience heard inspiring messages from writer and activist Naomi Klein and UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, as well as trade unions involved in TUED in different regions.

The power of these messages is captured in this 17-minute video, produced by
ReelNews for TUED.  The speakers addressed energy democracy, climate jobs, and the need for a transition that is both just and transformative.

A segment of Naomi Klein's full presentation can also be
viewed here.  She urged unions and their allies not to accept a "highly dangerous" deal, and to take to the streets in Paris on December 12.

A video of Jeremy Corbyn's presentation is here.  His remarks on how the failure to address climate has contributed to recent flooding throughout Northern England, Scotland and Wales have been broadly distributed by the media
. He urged unions and the climate movement to "unleash the hope" for a truly sustanable future.

Next TUED Bulletin:  COP 21 round up -- and where now for unions?

About getting involved
For unions considering being formally involved TUED, most of the information you need is here.

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