Thursday 10 December 2015

Korean Government Arrests Trade Union Leader - KCTU President Han Sang-gyun is in detention after handing himself over to the police. UPDATE 10 December 2015: KCTU President Han Sang-gyun is in detention after handing himself over to the police. Trade unions in South Korea are facing a barrage of restrictions and repression from the government of President Park, Geun-hye. Please write a protest letter to President Park and to the Korean embassy in your country, denouncing the crackdown on trade unions and disregard for freedom of peaceful assembly and association in Korea.

KCTU President Han Sang-gyun is in detention after handing himself over to the police. Read his declaration here:
Further to police raids on trade union offices in Seoul, the South Korean government has now banned the planned second People’s Mass Mobilisation on 5 December.
According to media reports, the police have issued summons for hundreds of protesters and threatened to issue arrest warrants before 5 December against those who do not appear before the police. Dozens of union leaders and officers are already detained without any reasonable grounds.
Despite these acts of intimidation, trade unions and the social movement in Korea have decided to go ahead with the Mass Mobilisation on 5 December.
PSI affiliates in South Korea have asked for international support. Please find attached a sample letter that you can use to send to President Park, Geun-hye requesting her:
  • to drop all charges against KCTU President Han Sang-gyun and stop all attempts to arrest and detain him
  • to release all other imprisoned trade unionists and drop the charges against them
  • to withdraw arrest warrants against all other labour leaders
  • to fully guarantee the right to peaceful assembly and association, especially for the second People’s Mass Mobilization on 5 December; and finally,
  • to withdraw the regressive labour reforms.
Please also send a copy of your letter to