Friday 5 February 2016

INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION - TPP Agreement bad for democracy, rights, public services and health

Brussels, 4 February 2016 (ITUC OnLine):  The ITUC has called the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) a major setback for employment and workers’ rights prospects, and signaled the determination of unions in TPP countries to oppose it.   After five years of secret negotiations, twelve Asia/Pacific-Rim Ministers signed the agreement today in Auckland, New Zealand, amid strong criticism from trade unions and other civil society organisations. 
The text of the agreement that was published late last year shows that the negotiators ignored repeated warnings and calls from trade unions, civil society, academia, jurists, legislators and others. They warned that the deal undermines sustainability and social justice, decreases the power of labour and communities, and increases the power of corporations.

“I am calling on the ratifying authorities in each of the twelve TPP Parties to reject this agreement because it threatens democracy, social and labour rights, and access to public services and medicines. The TPP promotes corporate greed and imposes unjustified and unacceptable costs for workers and communities,” said Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary.

To read the ITUC statement opposing the TPP:

New Zealand’s FIRST Union and a civil society group have launched an on-line petition on the TPP calling for the rejection of the TPP:
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