Monday 8 February 2016

The Water Group of the European Parliament has come under scrutiny of transparency campaigners.

Chaired by Dutch MEP and member of the EPP the group is run by the Secretariat of the Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform. 
WaterCorporate Europe Observatory (CEO) notes "By accepting the secretarial assistance of the WssTP, the EP Water Group shows its true colours. While it calls itself “the focal point for the water topic in the European Parliament”, in fact it promotes an agenda that is backed by corporate interests. Its lack of public transparency about its members and funding sources, alongside the highly dubious use of the Parliament's logo, further discredits it". It notes that EPSU has also raised concerns about this group to the European Commissioner Karmenu Vella. EPSU questions the WssTP claim to represent the European Water sector. CEO notes that it has raised its concerns with the European Parliament.
The Parliament is reviewing several Parliamentary groups. The links between business and lobby interests and the European Parliament members are increasingly a matter of grave concern for people.

Advice from EPSU