Monday 22 February 2016


Brussels, 22 February 2016 (ITUC OnLine): The ITUC has called on Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to ensure a full investigation into the murder of Italian Ph.D. student Giulio Regeni in Cairo.  Twenty-eight-year-old Regeni, a student at Cambridge University researching Egypt’s independent trade union movement, was brutally tortured and murdered on 25 January.

Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary, said, “This atrocity, against an innocent young researcher, must be fully investigated and the perpetrators brought to justice.  The heavy-handed tactics of Egypt’s police, the string of disappearances in recent months and the mounting repression of civil society show that President Sisi’s government is heading in the wrong direction.  The prospects for fundamental democratic rights and freedoms, including the right to freedom of association for the country’s workers, are receding by the day.  We call upon the government to change course, to support and protect human rights and avoid yet more bloodshed and the possibility of further mass unrest.”

The ITUC represents 180 million workers in 162 countries and territories and has 333 national affiliates.

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