Tuesday, 14 March 2017

ITUC seeks support on Human Rights and dignity - can you pass this advice onto colleagues and friends both within and outside the union movement ? Any one interested in sport and the fairness this means needs to be part of this action ..the article tells you how to support and spared the word.

The ITUC has been pushing for labour and workers rights in Qatar, including seeking ILO (United Nations) investigate the issues and call Qatar to respond . The following item is from the ITUC and is an update on where the ILO is up to.

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a United Nations agency dealing with labour issues, particularly international labour standards, social protection, and work opportunities for all.all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Labour_Organization

 "In 2010, Qatar was awarded the 2022 World Cup in a vote that shocked much of the sporting world. In the seven years since it’s winning bid, however, it’s Qatar’s shocking treatment of workers that has caught the world’s attention.
From pittance wages that often go unpaid to confiscation of passports that keep workers trapped in inhumane living and deadly working conditions, Qatar has been called a modern-day slave state. Outrage from human rights groups, labour organisations and football fans has continued to grow as Qatar has spent the last seven years making, and then breaking, promises to end exploitation of workers.
After seven years of broken promises, let’s use social media to show that we—and World Cup workers—are tired of talk. Click the links below to help expose Qatar’s hypocrisy and make clear that when it comes to workers’ rights in Qatar, it’s time for action.
Last year, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) gave Qatar one year to finally make good on its promises to workers and time is up. The ILO meeting next week will review what progress has been made, but unfortunately, Qatar has only continued its string of broken promises.
As the ILO meets, help spread the word that for seven long years in Qatar, it’s not been workers’ rights, but workers wronged.
As Qatar faces the ILO review, it will have to answer for it’s continued broken promises and lack of progress—but you may be shocked to learn that they’ve managed to stoop even lower. Not only has the country spent years refusing to reform, Qatar is actually blocking international companies who want to do the right thing for workers in Qatar from giving workers the same rights as these companies would provide in their own country!
Help expose Qatar’s shocking treatment of workers, and string of broken promises.
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Every day, the ITUC fights for workers throughout the world, and has been at the forefront in calling on Qatar to end its system of modern-slavery. Together, we’ll continue to expose Qatar’s reprehensible labour practices and demand that World Cup workers be treated with the respect and dignity they deserve—and with your help, we’ll win.
In solidarity,
Sharan Burrow,
General Secretary
International Trade Union Confederation "