PSI affiliates in the Utilities from Indonesia, India and Philippines gathered in Jakarta on 20-21 June 2017 for the Assessment Workshop on PSI Engagement with the Asian Development (ADB).
The objectives of the PSI-ADB Regional Engagement (PSI ARE) evaluation research were twofold. First, it seeks to identify and analyze PSI-ARE’s public value. In particular, the study hopes to assess the overall performance of the Program and evaluate its influence in promoting or hindering the labor union network core values and the communities served as well as the larger society, to the extent possible.
Second, the study seeks to evaluate the PSI-ARE from a management perspective, through a SW (strengths&weaknesses) and FH (facilitating&hindering) analysis through a Force Field Analysis. The Workshop were to assess PSI’s strengths and weaknesses in managing its ARE Program, as well as facilitating and hindering factors which affect its capacity to deliver the Program. Moreover, the Workshop examined the opportunities and challenges in the PSI-ARE’s external environment, to the extent possible.
The workshop facilitated by Dr Faina Diola and Charlie Cabotaje from University of the Philippines – National College of Public Administration and Governance (UP – NCPAG)
From PSI AP face book page
From PSI AP face book page