Friday 7 July 2017

UN PUBLIC SERVICES AWARDS: PARIS WATER WIN HIGHLIGHTS BENEFITS OF REMUNICIPALISATION  " This video tells a great story on the importance of not just public owned and operated water services, but also on the importance of public sector workers in bringing about the best outcomes .. its a great story and one to be shared " - Greg Mclean 

Seven years ago the City of Paris brought their water supply back into public hands. Today, they received one of the highest international public service awards at a special UN ceremony at The Hague.
The award comes on the back of a wave of substantive research on the failures of privatisation and the benefits of public provision.
Just hours before the ceremony, Transnational Institute, PSI and a wide coalition of partners released a new comprehensive publication - Reclaiming Public Services - which includes the Eau de Paris remunicipalisation as a key case study for how local communities can fight to win back public goods.

(Story from PSI